As a 501(c)(3) public charitable foundation we are able to accept tax-deductible contributions.

The EASIEST way for you to support our Mission is to support one or more of our local projects such as attending our very fun Strike It Rich party or by supporting our patriotic Field Of Honor or Carl’s Motorcycle Ride for Kids. (Deb, Hyperlinks should be added in this section to these Events.)

The BEST way for you to support our Mission is to join us an active member since our local projects accomplish their goals with the support of our members. It’s hard to have more fun than volunteering for our annual Kids’ Fishing Derby, or our Friends’ Ball, or Strike It Rich.

If you wish to make a MAJOR difference in the lives of children and the community in which we live please consider making a donation directly or through Planned Giving (a charitable trust or will). Please consult your attorney and/or accountant for how this will affect your estate planning.

The SouthEast Volusia Kiwanis Club plans to spend almost $50,000 in our community this year to support the following projects: (Projects are in alphabetical order)
Art Is Creation
Babe James Summer Program
Bob Noss Teacher Grants
Boo Boo Cow
Bridging the Gap
BUG Program
Council on Aging Summer Camp
Cuchetti School of Music
CUDAs Unhooked
Bob Garriques Memorial Kids' Fishing Derby
Frog Ministries
Head Start Food Baskets
Hope Reigns
K-Kids - Burns Sci Tech
K-Kids - Edgewater Public
K-Kids - Samsula Academy
K-Builders Club - NSB Middle School
Key Club - NSB High School
Kiwanis Friends Ball
Kiwanis Reads
Marine Discovery Center
Miracle League
Police Athletic League
Red & Black Sports Club
Scholarship - Designated
Scouts Boys - Central Florida
Scouts Girls - Volusia
SEV Chamber of Commerce
Sophie's Circle
Thanksgiving Food for Families
Victim's Advocate Program - NSBPD
Our nursing scholarship recipient Micaela Silverio graduated SPC, passed her exam and is now a licensed RN!
(L-R) Kiwanians Wayne McKenney, David Green, Charlene Jasmin are joined by nursing scholarship recipients Micaela Silverio, Siera Kullman and Elizabeth Chaves along with Kiwanians Leah Hoffman and Lee Walters.