Interested in joining the Kiwanis Breakfast Club of Seminole?
Kiwanians are retirees, students, professional and business leaders who take an active role in their community while greatly enriching their personal and professional lives.
Membership in a Kiwanis club offers a number of benefits, including:
- Making positive changes within the community.
- Obtaining new contacts and friendships.
- Developing leadership skills.
- Gaining an understanding of and having an impact on international humanitarian issues.
Our Membership Levels are:
- Regular Member: Billed quarterly at $120.00; Cost of weekly meals are included
- General Member: Billed quarterly at $60.00; Dues only – no breakfast meal included
- Corporate Member: Billed quarterly at $160.00; 2 corporation members; Cost of one meal per meeting included.
- Former SLP: Billed quarterly at Regular or General level (*Initial 2 years of complimentary international and district dues); Cost of meals billed separately
Note: There is a one-time Kiwanis International new member processing fee of $75.
Please use the link below to download the one-page membership application. Once completed, you can bring it to one of our meetings or mail it to our Club Secretary.
Kiwanis Membership Application & Corporate Membership Information:
Another creative piece of poetry written by our Kiwanis club member, Jim Allen
When you joined Kiwanis, why did you do it?
You knew work was involved-why put yourself through it?
The task that they ask can cut into your free time.
You don’t get paid and for sure there’s no overtime.
Ask yourself the question and ask others what their stance is.
Start with the folks in our community- they just might have the answers.
Of a child who lives out his life without even One Book.
Or how special is an athlete who struggles on his feet,
But still thinks a cooked hot dog is actually pretty neat?
Hear the excitement in a child saying that the spark plug,
To bring up his grades- was a program called BUGS.
Maybe chat with a parent, who’s child had hit the skids,
But is doing much better since they joined K-Kids.
Talk to a parent who says each year they are wishing,
That their child signs them up for the Family Day of Fishing.
You can speak with a nation who says a disease that threatens us,
Is being eliminated- like neonatal term Is.
When you join in a service club, you have so many choices.
Inside your head you hear all of these voices.
Yet, after a while you understand for sure.
While in Kiwanis you give, you get back even more.
So today I am thankful for this club, today I am thankful for your love.
But you know who I want to throw some shade to when all is said and done?
I want to thank that man in 1983,
That asked me to join Kiwanis Club of Seminole B.
All of this time and it’s really a shame. I can’t even remember his name.
Because of him, how many hot dogs got cooked?
How many kids now have at least ONE BOOK?
How many Olympians so Special got hugs?
How many grades are better because of BUGS?
I think it’s a fairly safe suggestion,
To say we don’t need to ask others the answer to this question.
Inside you remember- there’s really nothing to it.
When you joined Kiwanis – why did you do it?